We’ve got our low-rank testing coming up on October 18, 2018!
Congratulations to our low rank students on their upcoming belt promotions! Graduation will be held at Rockwall Black Belt Academy.
In the event that your child can not make the scheduled graduation, please talk to or call Mr. Powell to set up a make-up time.
The testing fee for Little Dragons is $45.00.
The testing fee for Adults and Juniors (white – blue advanced belts) is $60.00.
To ensure that everyone receives the correct belt and that Graduation starts on time,
please have your payment in by Tuesday, May 2nd. We encourage all
students to bring friends and family to watch their belt promotion. Be sure to have
your camera handy so you can capture the highlights of Graduation.
If you or your child is not approved for testing, then there will be no classes on the
testing days.